So, you’ve got this great idea to build your own custom storage shed, and it will be fantastic! But before you start hammering and sawing, there’s something really important you need to figure out: how to design the roof. Now, don’t let that sound daunting because we’re here to make it super simple.

Imagine your shed like a puzzle, and the roof is the last piece that makes it all come together. A well-designed shed roof not only keeps your stuff dry but also makes your shed look awesome. It’s like giving your shed a cool hat. 

So, in this guide, we’re going to break down the process of designing a shed roof into easy steps and give you some practical tips to get started. Whether you’re a DIY pro or just starting out, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s get ready to create the perfect roof for your shed!

Crafting Shed Roof Sketch Design Plans

Shed Roof Design

Before you dive into the actual building stuff, you need a plan. Think of it like drawing a picture of what your shed roof will look like. This plan should have all the measurements, angles, and details about what materials you’ll use. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Tools You’ll Need: First, grab some basic tools – a pencil, ruler, graph paper (or a computer with design software). You can choose old-school paper or modern digital tools, whatever you’re comfortable with.
  2. Measure Your Space: Start by measuring the area where your shed will go. Get these measurements right so your roof fits perfectly.
  3. Pick a Pitch: Decide how steep you want your roof to be. Think about how water will flow off it and how it’ll look. You can go for a classic A-frame, a barn-style, or even a flat roof.
  4. Start Sketching: Use your chosen tools to sketch out your shed roof design. Put in all the sizes, angles, and special features like overhangs.
  5. Materials Matter: Be clear about what materials you’ll use for your roof, like shingles, metal sheets, or something else. Think about what works best for your location and budget.
  6. Review and Tweak: Take a step back and look at your sketch. Make any changes or improvements to make it match your vision.

Now that you’ve got a detailed sketch of your shed roof, it’s time to move on to the next step: bringing your design to life.

Crafting a Mini Model Like a Shed Roof Designer

Shed Roof model

Sometimes, it’s hard to picture what your shed roof will really look like in 3D. That’s where making a small-scale model comes in handy. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Gather Supplies: You’ll need stuff like cardboard, wooden sticks, and foam board, plus a cutter, glue, and measuring tape.
  2. Scale It Down: Decide on a scale for your model. Something like 1:10 or 1:20 works well. That means each inch or centimeter on your model represents 10 or 20 inches or centimeters in real life.
  3. Build the Frame: Make the basic frame of your shed roof according to your design. Pay attention to angles, sizes, and those overhangs.
  4. Add Roof Stuff: Put on a layer of the roofing material you’re planning to use for your shed. This helps you see how the finished roof will look and make sure it fits your design.
  5. Check and Adjust: Take a good look at your model from different angles and distances. If something doesn’t look right, fix it to make it look better and work better.
  6. Think About Water: If your roof slopes, ensure water drains off properly in your model. If not, adjust the slope.
  7. Build Confidence: Making a model isn’t just about looks; it boosts your confidence in your design. It’s like a test run before you start building for real.


Designing a shed roof doesn’t have to be a headache. With the right tools and a bit of planning, you can create a roof that keeps your stuff safe and looks good. And if you’re still unsure, don’t forget there are online shed designer tools that can help you out. 

These tools can be a big help in fine-tuning your plan and seeing what your shed will look like before you start building. By following these steps, you’ll be all set to design and build a shed roof that fits your needs and looks fantastic. Happy designing!